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It’s all Elemental
Call on the elements: earth, wind, fire, water at your will to fight your battles with this new Mage class.
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On the Naughty List
The last raid of the year is a big one! She brings kings to their knees, Brelshaza is the most powerful demonic presence in Arkesia and you get to face her! Happy Holidays!
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Big Challenges, Big Rewards
The More The Merrier
It's the giving season so we're giving you hard mode and three boxes instead of the usual one in our last boss rush of the year. Happy holidays!
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Caliligos Guardian Raid
Looks Like A Storm Is Coming
Caliligos, master of lightning, commands thunderbolts to strike his enemies into submission.
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Holiday Event
Starry Night
Collect Joytide Stars while protecting the island from the naughty children at this warm winter fest.
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Neria's Wardrobe
Sweater Season
Get cozy and warm up your winter wardrobe with hats, coats, pants, boots, and much more!
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