New Player Guide

January 13, 2022

Heroes of Arkesia,

For the players looking to get up to speed ahead of our February 11 launch, we put together a primer on all things Lost Ark. Learn about the history and regions of the vast world of Arkesia below, check out the unique playable classes, and find links to some of the other informational articles we’ve released on our road to launch. For the existing fans of Lost Ark— stay tuned for our January Team Update, which we’re sharing later this month.

Lost Ark 101

Embark on an odyssey for the Lost Ark in a vast, vibrant world: explore new lands, seek out lost treasures, and test yourself in thrilling action combat. Define your fighting style with your class and advanced class, and customize your skills, weapons, and gear to bring your might to bear as you fight against hordes of enemies, colossal bosses, and dark forces seeking the power of the Ark in this action-packed free-to-play RPG.

Learn more about the expansive world in the Intro to Arkesia video here:

History of Arkesia

The bards in Arkesia tell of a legendary war, in which the demon Kazeros was defeated with the aid of a powerful relic called the Ark. Now Kazeros and his demon legion have returned seeking bloodthirsty vengeance, and it’s up to the heroes of Arkesia to stop them. Set sail across the wide world, fight the legions of darkness, and unleash the legendary power of the lost Ark—before it's too late. Interested adventurers can learn more about the history of Arkesia here.

For a deeper dive into the lore of a few of Arkesia’s distinct regions, checkout the history of:


Lost Ark offers 5 powerful base classes; Warrior, Martial Artist, Gunner, Mage, and Assassin. Each class presents a distinct gameplay style, look, and role with their own strengths and weaknesses. From the dieselpunk deserts where the Gunslinger roams to the dark castles where Assassins lurk in the shadows, each Class brings a unique flavor and backstory to Lost Ark.

Once you know which base Class is right for you, you will then select an Advanced Class to further customize how you want to play. These Advanced Classes will help you further specialize your skills and abilities and even introduce unique gameplay mechanics, such as channeling demonic powers, turret-style gunplay, and a variety of other customizable melee, ranged, and special attacks.


Warriors are the powerhouses of Arkesia. They may not be the most nimble, so they stand their ground and make up for mobility with cataclysmic impact. Learn more about the Warrior Advanced Classes here.

Martial Artist

These quick-footed fighters like to rush the enemy with combined attacks at lethal speeds that can only be described as breakneck. Learn more about the Martial Artist Advanced Classes here.


Whether wielding high-tech weapons or bows and arrows that never jam, keep an eagle eye on these sharpshooters or they may even hit you with their worst shot. Learn more about the Gunner Advanced Classes here.


These mystical conjurers tap into the ancient magic of Arkesia to cast deadly spells on evil forces, heal the wounded, or support allies. Learn more about the Mage Advanced Classes here.


These mysterious melee-makers fight demonic with demonic, channeling the dark powers in the name of the light in quick, colorful attacks. Learn more about the Assassin Advanced Classes here.

Preparing for Launch

Interested adventurers can prepare for their odyssey by becoming a Founder. Your Founder's Pack will equip you for the many journeys ahead, by granting you 3 day head start access at launch, and stuffing your inventory with plenty of exclusive items to aid you on your adventures. You can checkout the unique items available in the Founder's pack in our content showcase article.

As always, thank you for your support. Make sure to follow our social channels and as we head toward launch. Here’s where you can find us:

See you in Arkesia!